Wednesday, October 17, 2018

July 5, 2002 - Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

A long, but fun, day.  We left Hanover (Maryland) at 8.15 AM and checked into our hotel at 6 PM - not bad considering we stopped for gas twice, stopped for lunch (Fry's Turkey Ranch in Steam Valley, PA - I hadn't been there in years, but still had my usual turkey BBQ sandwich) and had slow crossings at the border and at the Grand Island bridge.  We split the driving - I drove as far as the Turkey Ranch and Lisa drove the rest of the way.  It's been a long time since I have come to the Falls by car, but it was nice to pass some of the old familiar places (the baseball card shop is still there in Williamsport, PA!).

After checking into our hotel, we went for our free dinner at TGIFriday's (included with our two day package) and then strolled down Clifton Hill to the Falls.

Niagara Falls never ceases to inspire wonder.  Its appearance is breathtaking and its power is mighty.  We stopped walking about midway between Clifton Hill and the Horseshoe Falls, having a good view of it and the American Falls.  They sky was clear.  The sun was low in the west, but still bright.  There was a gentle breeze and closer to the Horseshoe Falls you could feel the cool mist off the falls.  The temperature was a moderate 70 degrees F - a far cry from the 100 degree temperatures we had in Baltimore yesterday.  Admiring the view from the midway point, I tuned out the lights and the buildings behind me and focused on the flowing water with its gentle roar, the clear blue sky, and the gulls flying in the gorge.  I imagined the scene centuries ago when the Falls were first seen by those trappers and voyageurs exploring the rugged and untamed North American continent.  What awe it must have inspired then.

We walked down to the brink and watched, mesmerized, as gallons and gallons of water whisked by and over the edge.  Then we walked up past the Falls toward the power plant. 

It grew dark as we walked back again and we picked a spot between the two Falls to stop.  A band played behind us and we watched as lights were shone on the Falls - red, blue, purple, green, and yellow in alternating patterns.  I am so glad Lisa and I chose to make this trip (to Arnstein Ontario) by car and stop at the Falls.  The only time Lisa had been here before was for Jack's (my great-grandfather, or more accurately  my great-grandmother's second husband) funeral last August and we were only here for a few hours.  She really seemed to enjoy hanging out at the Falls tonight, watching the lights.  We miss the Falls flying directly into North Bay...

After dark (10 PM) there was a brief, but impressive, fireworks display, which was a nice finale to the evening.  Then we trudged, exhausted, back to our hotel after a long day!

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